A couple of weeks ago I went to Baker City for a day and a half to photograph Andalusian horses at Goodrich Farms. It is a beautiful farm located at the base of the mountains in the Baker valley. I was lucking to see the elk come into the pastures at night with the horses - there is a picture posted below.
All the horses were very nice movers and had wonderful dispositions. I had a great time visiting with Kristen Sandefur who owns Goodrich Farms with her husband, Eric. I don't know much about the spanish horses but I came away with a greater appreciation of them.
These pictures will be used for there website that is under construction. I will post a link later when the site is up and running for anyone interested in owning an Andalusian horse.
Enjoy a few of the pictures from the photo shoot. I have a slideshow made but it won't load at this minute so I will try and post in a day or two.